It’s a double whammy this time from the government’s side when just a day after deciding to stop the gutka’s forever, they decided to, more strictly impose the, three year back introduced ban on the use, storage, sale and manufacture of plastic bags in saaddi dilli.
Three years back when the ban was first imposed, kababayan dilli wallas, who are blessed with a lot of creativity and have genetical advantages of being able to think out of the box; found out numerous ways to go the other way round, outsmart the government and still use the plastic bags with ease, by just slapping the bags face with four words which read “MADE FROM BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL”.
It is worth considering though, the loss of trade and employment opportunities which is bound to rise once the ban is completely imposed in a year. But c’mon, the government is thoughtful enough to give a year’s time to clean up our acts and start afresh. I am no expert on the topic of manufacturing, but I guess switching over from manufacturing plastic bags, to manufacturing paper bags or something else which is close, should not be much of a trouble in terms of money and efforts since the facility and the machinery is already in place.
The government this time has shown that they have learnt their lessons and are coming out with a more fool proof plan. This time even real biodegradable material is not allowed, in addition to plastic sheets, films or covers for packaging books, magazines or cards, etc.. They have however allowed the use of plastic bags for managing the bio-medical waste, which also makes sense.
My real worry is actually the home making aunties who use these plastic bags to flip over their ‘drenched in filth’ garbage either right on the street or in front of the ‘not so friendly’ neighbor’s house. How would these aunties now manage to carry the drenched garbage ‘paper bags’ to their target? Lets see…
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