Set up by the renowned political cartoonist, K Shankar Pillai (1902-1989), in Saddi Dilli, Shankar’s International Dolls Museum has one of the largest collections of costume dolls anywhere in the world. It is located in the Children’s Book Trust building on Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg in central Dilli, the museum has a floor area of 5,184.5 sq ft and occupies a portion of the first floor. The dolls museum is a perfect place for the entertainment of children. It displays a huge collection of almost 6000 dolls collected from as many as 85 countries.
Almost one third of the collection of the Shankar’s International Dolls Museum is assembled from different parts of the country. The dolls are even dressed up in the traditional costumes of the country or the area to which they belong. The museum is divided into two parts, each consisting of wall mounted glass cases, about 1,000 feet long. One section displays exhibits from European countries, the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Commonwealth of Independent States, other Asian countries, the Middle East, Africa and India.
The other segment is dedicated to dolls from the countries of Asia, Middle East, Africa, etc. Shankar’s International Dolls Museum of Dilli also comprises of a workshop and a Doll Designing Centre. Along with viewing, you can also buy dolls from this museum. Dolls Museum of Dilli facilitates cultural exchanges. Since, the dolls are displayed in their traditional attire, with conventional costumes, jewelry, etc. They tend to represent the true culture of their country / area.
The Dolls Museum shows dolls in different forms and it contains dolls depicting the various dance traditions in India, especially the Kathakali dance that is known for its interesting costumes. Some other dolls found in the Dolls Museum are:
- Dolls from Japan (Kabuki and Samurai dolls)
- Replica dolls of the Queen’s collection in UK
- Replica of Maypole Dance from Hungary
- Replica of the Flamenco dancers from Spain
- Replica Women’s Orchestra from Thailand
- Kandy Pehara from Sri Lanka
- Boys and girls festival dolls from Japan
Besides, the displayed dolls, one can also find the dolls being sold at the adjoining shops. But the Doll Workshop forms the hub of major excitement. Here the tourists can take part in the process of doll making and thus learn the art in the process.
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